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Disability Discrimination

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

The Western Australian Disability Discrimination Unit is a part of Sussex Street Community Law Service. We conduct disability discrimination outreach service at St Matthews Church, Jull Street in Armadale, every second Wednesday morning by appointment. For an appointment please call (08) 6253 9500.

What is the Disability Discrimination Unit (DDU)?

The DDU provides free information and advice to people, who feel they have been discriminated against due to their disability.

What is a disability?

The legislation, which makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone due to a disability/impairment includes the following in its definition:

  • Physical disability e.g. quadriplegia

  • Sensory e.g. blindness, deafness

  • Intellectual e.g. autism

  • Organisms in body which do or are capable of causing disease e.g. HIV

  • Psychiatric e.g. bipolar disorder

  • Learning disorder e.g. dyslexia

It covers disabilities in the past, present or that may exist in the future e.g. hereditary diseases such as Huntington's Disease.

What legislation governs disability discrimination?

There are two Acts governing disability discrimination:

  1. Disability Discrimination Act 1992, which is federal law

  2. Equal Opportunity Act 1984, which is Western Australian law

Our solicitor can discuss with you which legislation is most applicable to your particular case.

What is unlawful disability discrimination?

Discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably than others. Discrimination can be direct or indirect and includes harassment and being asked discriminatory questions.

  1. Direct discrimination is where a person with a disability is directly treated differently because of the disability.

  2. Indirect discrimination is placing some conditions on a person with a disability that they cannot satisfy but that a person without a disability could.

Who can complain about disability discrimination?

  • A person with a disability

  • A person on behalf of a person with a disability, such as a carer or parent of a child with a disability

  • A group who have suffered discrimination

  • Associates, partners, friends, parents, carers and family members

What areas of life is it unlawful to discriminate based on disability/impairment?

  • Education

  • Accommodation

  • Goods, services and facilities

  • Sport

  • Clubs and associations

  • Access e.g. buildings, services, or information

  • Insurance and superannuation

  • Employment

  • Qualifying bodies

  • Advertisements

The Disability Discrimination Act also covers

  • Administration or Commonwealth laws and programs

  • Breaches of disability standards

  • Harassment

The Disability Discrimination Unit also engages in community legal education by informing people about their rights so that they can address issues relating to their or another's disability. If you would like to arrange for someone to provide your group with information on disability discrimination, contact the office on (08) 6253 9500.

Disability Discrimination Law in WA Videos

Please see links for disability discrimination law in WA videos. For any further information or to make bookings for a free training workshop, please email

To make an appointment

In Person: 29 Sussex Street East Victoria Park WA 6101

By Phone: Phone: (08) 6253 9500 Local Call: 1300 648 655 TXT 0449 227 815 TTY 9470 2831 Fax (08) 9470 1805

For further information on Disability Discrimination, contact

Equal Opportunity Commission of Western Australia Phone (08) 9216 6900

or Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Phone 1300 656 419.

This service is funded by The Commonwealth Attorney General's Department.


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