The Sussex Street minor criminal law team provide assistance to clients who legal aid is unable to assist. This includes advice on traffic-related matters that are unlikely to result in a term of imprisonment and clients who seek to plead not guilty to charges in the Magistrates Court.
The mental health legal service has confirmed that they do not have the resources to assist clients who do not fall under the Mental Health Act. This leaves many clients with mental health issues that do not affect their fitness to plea but who require more explanation to understand their criminal matter.
Similarly, we see a lot of culturally and linguistically diverse clients requesting advice on criminal matters after their first appearance to help them understand what is happening. As the duty lawyers have such limited time available, they are not always able to take the time needed to assist clients with limited English comprehension.
To make an appointment
Call (08) 6253 9500
Monday to Friday
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
For other ways to get in touch, visit out contact us page.